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@Nicoletta Pizzocheri (Unlicensed) if she can or who else would be able to, would help us with creating a google form to have the survey online (ideally end of this week?)
@Irina Bell (Unlicensed) did an amazing job with working on the survey, thank you
Goal of the survey: to evaluate if we have the right place or if we need more information so people would use it. We asked those who are not using it.
Launching the survey: Mar 6, 2023 (if possible with @Nicoletta Pizzocheri (Unlicensed) to put it up to Google Forms or who else would be able to)
online and offline:
@Nicoletta Pizzocheri (Unlicensed) if she can, would help us with creating a google form to have the survey online
@Eliska Adensamova created shared document for places (online and offline) where we would share and who - action plan for spreading the survey (list of places, channels, groups, communities)
Ask people - through organisations:
share the survey with Slack channels @Tomas Oupicky
Czechitas - would help us with contacting people @Tomas Oupicky
@Irina Bell (Unlicensed) can provide a link to survey to UA online channels (Telegram, Facebook)
We want to ask also Movapp team for helping us to share it (push notification in their app?)
We can ask Pomahej Ukraine or other portals
Cizinecka police, Foreign police in Prague
We should ask others - more marketing heads - in the channel @Tereza Vaisova (Deactivated)
Is there by chance Cesko digital Google Ads budget to make a little campaign targetting UA peoplex in CR? @Tomas Oupicky
How do we want to contact the people (directly, organisations, communities, refugees)
How technically spread the survey, in the field
who is going to ask, how do we want to do it?
We will use it for umapa content but it might be interesting for other stakeholders as there could be interesting inforgraphic made.
We can even use it for kind of PR for Umapa and be even shared to journalists / portals and provide them with interesting content regarding UA community groups, needs etc. This should be done wisely - exchange for PR of umapa etc.
Partners (large NGOs), portals or stakeholders can be invited for creating article (or row of articles) working with the data from survey (we should always keep in mind outcomes of similar activities for Umapa)
100 people in next weeks - infographics from it, outcomes - interesting interpretations from the survey (target - 100 answers at least would be good)
review with @Tereza Vaisova (Deactivated) - @Tomas Oupicky - strategy communication plan and action plan
reviewing data - journalist, data expert, get interesting insight, create blogposts, articles, newsletter (someone who could interpret data) - maybe someone in in slack spreading
how much time to get preliminary results - to push it for 2 weeks (see how many results we have), a month to collect data and interpret it - and meanwhile do things around it (ROADMAP)
action plan - what to do, next step, things to show @Tomas Oupicky
usage: what numbers we need so it would make sense (useful fo every 2nd or 3rd one, potential target audience 200 000 users - ambitions high 50 000 a month)
Bringing more value into Umapa in order to make it more attractive.
Aggregating data
Adding Swimming places, biking places, etc
Rating, adding photos
Newsfeed feature for promotion, places owners can also manage their own places
regular updates with events going on, discounts, sales (ways to spend your free time)
RSS, feed being actively pushed in channels
sharing the app with others, what they learnt
add to umapa - creating account, adding own content (but someone has to manage it, admin it, moderate)
features like add to favorite, other features, reviews-rating
@Eliska Adensamova create a thread to discuss this issue (umapa channel thread - features, updates, values (easy to find, better structure, easily digestible))
validate the project with
strategical road map and executive steps: @Tomas Oupicky will prepare some materials and connect with Romana Pokorna for a feedback about the project and then with Marek from Pabeni for a feedback about the project and the survey
strategy document - present it to - evaluate it (presentation, document) @Tomas Oupicky
@havettova.andrea and @Tomas Oupicky are continuing with the task of checking the data categories.
The categories are maybe too wide not specific, need to create more categories (leisure, free activities) or rethink the category names and also some categories have just a very low number of items and that is not enough for one category
adding category places and events@Tomas Oupicky connected with Czechitas