@Ivoš Gajdorus (Unlicensed)@Tomas Oupicky looking through the survey with last feedback, ideally the deadline for the all feedback even from the experts from Pabeni is Feb 16, 2023
@Nicoletta Pizzocheri (Unlicensed) if she can, would help us with creating a google form to have the survey online
Goal of the survey: to evaluate if we have the right place or if we need more information so people would use it. We asked those who are not using it.
@Nicoletta Pizzocheri (Unlicensed) if she can, would help us with creating a google form to have the survey online
qr code more like online, you can reach more people
Ask people - through organisations:
share the survey with cesko.digital
Czechitas - would help us with contacting people
Pomahej Ukrajine (connections) or movapp
Cizinecka police, Foreign police in Prague
How do we want to contact the people (directly, organisations, communities, refugees)
How technically spread the survey, in the field
who is going to ask, how do we want to do it?
validate the project with Cesko.digital
strategical road map and executive steps: @Tomas Oupicky will prepare some materials and connect with Romana Pokorna for a feedback about the project and then with Marek from Pabeni for a feedback about the project and the survey
strategy document - present it to Cesko.digital - evaluate it (presentation, document) @Tomas Oupicky
@havettova.andrea and @Tomas Oupicky are continuing with the task of checking the data categories.
The categories are maybe too wide not specific, need to create more categories (leisure, free activities) or rethink the category names and also some categories have just a very low number of items and that is not enough for one category
adding category places and events@Tomas Oupicky connected with Czechitas