How to refresh data
Platforms for data refresh
Adding new data via the Map itself. You need to register as a user by clicking “Add a place” and you will be asked to register if you haven’t already.
Editing existing data. E.g. Prague moved it’s KACPU from Kongresové Centrum in Vyšehrad to nám. OSN in Vysočany (in April if I remember correctly). Currently the editing part is being done in the Google Sheets document’s sheet called “SeznamMíst(CZ)”, or of some other country, if by any chance that’s what you are doing.
It seems there is no way of editing already existing data directly on the map.
Editing using the Google Sheets Spreadsheet
The column heading must be self-explanatory. Please don’t edit the ID column.
Basically you can check the links provided for the record in the “Kontakt Web” or “Zdroj” fields. Sometimes those won’t be provided and by googling you’ll find the person or entity has a website, then you add the missing information from the website. Also one needs to correct information in the Spreadsheet if it is incorrect.
One very important field is “Atribut Status pomoci”. Sometimes you will see it plainly written on their websites that they are no longer offering help, or temporarily not offering help, or the status has otherwise changed. But some entities won’t have any current information if they are still offering help. It’s okay (I think) not to change the value in this field if you don’t know.
After an attempt to edit and information collection, you will have one of the three outcomes: the information is now correct and current, the information is insufficient to decide if the record was correct before your research, or in rare cases, you see that the record is plain wrong. Please record this outcome in the “Correctness of older data” field, and mark the date of your attempt at research into the “Last verification of correctness“ field. This will help you or the next data refresh person prioritise what to verify first or you might want to look at some records more closely later.
@Altynay Rakhmatullina (Unlicensed) used the following approach.
Not marking the field “correct” unless the website of the service shows that the service is available to refugees as advertised originally. For example, it can look like this, on the website of a therapist in Plzen (left) and a general practitioner in Bruntal (below).
If on the aggregator website (e.g. ) the doctor was still listed, but on their website it’s not mentioned that they are still accepting Ukrainian refugees for free, one mark the field as ‘unknown’, but still edit the data that changed or are incorrect. If the service is no longer listed in the aggregator, one would delete the record.
Outstanding Questions
How often is the map being refreshed with the google sheet data? The manual for the data analyst claims it is being done every two weeks.
Do values in fields “Latitude“ and “Longitude” change automatically with the address?