we need to target Ukrainians who does not know the app, not know about the app
what kind of information would make them to use the app, what would make them to use the app more often or on regular basis (how to target this) - many times it is just a one time use or on other platforms as Telegram or using Google
Regional integration centres
People in need - more info
Validate the information we will publish on map
Obtain the feedback and much more
cleaning up the data - big task
probably workshop would be needed what are the steps and the plan for this task
what is the aim with data structure
the suggestion is - at first maybe starts with agile research, validation and then updating process (or someone with experience could update the data)
decision: havettova.andrea and Tomas Oupicky would update data, first analysis and plan what is needed to be done - the next steps. They would come out with some output file.
Umapa offline - just an idea, need to be thought through
find out, if it is really needed
it would be displayed just with some size of the database to not overload people’s phones with data